
OpenLayers is a JavaScript library for displaying or editing geospatial data in any modern desktop or mobile web browser. OpenLayers has been developed to further the use of geographic information of all kinds and can display or manipulate tiles and features from almost any source.


  • Overlay multiple standards-compliant map layers into a single application
  • Displays tiles and features from a variety of sources, including OGC tile standards, Google Maps, Bing Maps, OpenStreetMap, ArcGIS Server, and more
  • Vector feature support for OGC WFS, KML, GeoJSON, GML, and more
  • Web-based editing, including feature snapping and splitting, via OGC WFS-Transactional
  • Pluggable with many JavaScript toolkits, including jQuery, AngularJS, Ext, and more
  • Support for many cartographic projections and client-side map reprojection

Building Web Apps with OpenLayers

Try out the Boundless SDK (see the Components Menu at bottom left) now included with Suite 4.1 to get started building webapps with OpenLayers 2 or 3 along with GeoServer.

For the pure JavaScript libraries, you can download and find the OpenLayers APIs here:

  • OpenLayers 3 is still in beta but already being used in production by a number of sites.
  • OpenLayers 2 is stable and has been widely used to build mapping applications.