
class gxp.data.FeatureTypeClassifier(config)

Utility class for creating classifications of vector styles

Config Options

Configuration properties in addition to those listed for Ext.util.Observable.


Ext.data.Store Store of style rules, read from GetStyles response using GeoExt.data.StyleReader. Classification operations will be performed on the layer denoted as layerName in the namedLayer object of the raw SLD.

Public Properties

Public properties in addition to those listed for Ext.util.Observable.


Object Classification methods for use with classify:

  • graduated(attribute, classes, method) Uses GeoServer’s gs:getFeatureClassStats WPS process. attribute is the field of the layer to create the classification from; classes is the number of classes to create, and method is one of “EQUAL_INTERVL”, “NATURAL_BREAKS”, “QUANTILE”.

Public Methods

Public methods in addition to those listed for Ext.util.Observable.

Parameters:groupString Name of the group to classify
Method :String Name of one of the classification methods from methods
Args :Array Arguments to pass to the classification method

Creates a classification for a group. If there are already rules for the selected group, the class breaks will be replaced with the new classification and linear stretching will be applied to the existing symbolizers to match the number of new classes.