- class gxp.plugins.CSWCatalogueSource(config)¶
Plugin for creating WMS layers lazily. The difference with the WMSSource is that the url is configured on the layer not on the source. This means that this source can create WMS layers for any url. This is particularly useful when working against a Catalogue Service, such as a OGC:CS-W.
Example Use¶
Configuration in the gxp.Viewer:
defaultSourceType: "gxp_wmssource",
sources: {
"opengeo": {
url: "http://suite.opengeo.org/geoserver/wms"
A typical configuration for a layer from this source (in the layers array of the viewer’s map config option would look like this:
source: "opengeo",
name: "world",
group: "background"
n optional ‘getFeatureInfo’ property can also be passed to ustomize the sort order, visibility, & labels for layer attributes.
sample ‘getFeatureInfo’ configuration would look like this:
fields: ["twn_name","pop1990"]
propertyNames: {"pop1990": "1990 Population", "twn_name": "Town"}
Within the ‘getFeatureInfo’ configuration, the ‘fields’ property determines sort order & visibility (any attributes not included are not displayed) and ‘propertyNames’ specifies the labels for the attributes.
For initial programmatic layer configurations, to leverage lazy loading of the Capabilities document, it is recommended to configure layers with the fields listed in requiredProperties.
Config Options¶
Configuration properties in addition to those listed for Ext.util.Observable.
- baseParams
Object Base parameters to use on the WMS GetCapabilities request.
- hidden
Boolean Normally we do not want these sources to show up in the AddLayers dialog for the source combobox. Set to false for a certain source to show up anyway whenever that makes sense, e.g. by using a catalogue source to retrieve all the layers for a capabilities grid.
- proxyOptions
Object An optional object to pass to the constructor of the ProtocolProxy. This can be used e.g. to set listeners.
- requiredProperties
Array(String) List of config properties that are required for each layer from this source to allow lazy loading, in addition to name. Default is ["title", "bbox"]. When the source loads layers from a WMS that does not provide layers in all projections, srs should be included in this list. Fallback values are available for title (the WMS layer name), bbox (the map’s maxExtent as array), and srs (the map’s projection, e.g. “EPSG:4326”).
- title
String Optional title for this source.
- url
String Online resource of the catalogue service.
- version
String If specified, the version string will be included in WMS GetCapabilities requests. By default, no version is set.
- yx
- Object Members in the yx object are used to determine if a CRS URN
- corresponds to a CRS with y,x axis order. Member names are CRS URNs and values are boolean.
Public Properties¶
Public properties in addition to those listed for Ext.util.Observable.
Boolean Set to true if you don’t want this LayerSource to show up in the AddLayers dialog. Defaults to false.
- CSWCatalogueSource.lazy¶
Boolean. true when the source is ready, but its store hasn’t been loaded yet (i.e. lazy source). Read-only.
- CSWCatalogueSource.requiredProperties¶
Array(String) List of config properties that are required for a complete layer configuration, in addition to name.
- CSWCatalogueSource.store¶
- CSWCatalogueSource.title¶
String A descriptive title for this layer source.
Public Methods¶
Public methods in addition to those listed for Ext.util.Observable.
- CSWCatalogueSource.createLayerRecord()¶
Parameters: config – Object The application config for this layer. Returns: GeoExt.data.LayerRecord or null when the source is lazy. Create a layer record given the config. Applications should check that the source is not lazy` or that the config is complete (i.e. configured with all fields listed in requiredProperties before using this method. Otherwise, it is recommended to use the asynchronous gxp.Viewer.createLayerRecord() method on the target viewer instead, which will load the source’s store to complete the configuration if necessary.
- CSWCatalogueSource.createStore()¶
Create the store that will be used for the CS-W searches.
- CSWCatalogueSource.describeLayer()¶
Parameters: - rec – GeoExt.data.LayerRecord the layer to issue a WMS DescribeLayer request for
- callback – Function Callback function. Will be called with an Ext.data.Record from a GeoExt.data.DescribeLayerStore as first argument, or false if the WMS does not support DescribeLayer.
- scope – Object Optional scope for the callback.
Get a DescribeLayer response from this source’s WMS.
- CSWCatalogueSource.filter()¶
Filter the store by querying the catalogue service. :param options: Object An object with the following keys:
- . list-table::
widths: 20 80 - queryString
- the search string
- limit
- the maximum number of records to retrieve
- filters
- additional filters to include in the query
- CSWCatalogueSource.getConfigForRecord()¶
Parameters: record – GeoExt.data.LayerRecord Returns: Object Create a config object that can be used to recreate the given record.
- CSWCatalogueSource.getPagingParamNames()¶
Returns: Object with keys start and limit. Get the names of the parameters to use for paging.
- CSWCatalogueSource.getPagingStart()¶
Returns: Integer Where does paging start at?
- CSWCatalogueSource.getProjection()¶
Parameters: layerRecord – GeoExt.data.LayerRecord a record from this source’s store Returns: OpenLayers.Projection A suitable projection for the layerRecord. If the layer is available in the map projection, the map projection will be returned. Otherwise an equal projection, or null if none is available. Get the projection that the source will use for the layer created in createLayerRecord. If the layer is not available in a projection that fits the map projection, null will be returned.
- CSWCatalogueSource.getSchema()¶
Parameters: - rec – GeoExt.data.LayerRecord the WMS layer to issue a WFS DescribeFeatureType request for
- callback – Function Callback function. Will be called with a GeoExt.data.AttributeStore containing the schema as first argument, or false if the WMS does not support DescribeLayer or the layer is not associated with a WFS feature type.
- scope – Object Optional scope for the callback.
Gets the schema for a layer of this source, if the layer is a feature layer.
- CSWCatalogueSource.getState()¶
Returns: Object Gets the configured source state.
- CSWCatalogueSource.getWFSProtocol()¶
Parameters: - record – GeoExt.data.LayerRecord
- callback – Function
- scope – Object
Returns: OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS
Creates a WFS protocol for the given WMS layer record.
- CSWCatalogueSource.init()¶
Parameters: target – Object The object initializing this plugin.
Events in addition to those listed for Ext.util.Observable.
- failure
Fires if the layer source fails to load.
- ready
Fires when the layer source is ready for action.