What’s new in 4.1.1¶
Each new version of OpenGeo Suite includes numerous fixes and component upgrades.
OpenGeo Suite 4.1.1 is a maintenance release, which includes numerous fixes and component upgrades.
OpenGeo Suite 4.1 has been updated with all-new features, including:
QGIS now a part of OpenGeo Suite
QGIS, the popular open-source desktop software, has been added to the collection of components that comprise OpenGeo Suite.
OpenGeo Suite Explorer for QGIS
The OpenGeo Suite Explorer plugin for QGIS allows users to upload their layers and styles directly into PostGIS and GeoServer, creating a seamless link between desktop and server.
New Boundless SDK templates
There are now two new templates for use with the Boundless SDK, both including the new OpenLayers 3. They include a viewing application as well as an editing application. The original template, “gxp”, is still available as well.
Better Mapmeter integration
This version brings tighter integration with Mapmeter, the cloud-based service that allows you to monitor and analyze your GeoServer deployments in real-time.
GeoPackage support
OpenGeo Suite now supports loading data saved in the new GeoPackage format into GeoServer.
MongoDB support
OpenGeo Suite now supports loading data from MongoDB into GeoServer.
Enterprise only: Auto-deployment on Amazon Web Services and VMware
OpenGeo Suite Enterprise clients only: scale your OpenGeo Suite deployment with scripts available to enable automatic clustering on AWS and local virtual machines.